Looking To Sell?

It all starts with this…

We recognise that a business is often the most valuable asset a person owns. Selling your business is a process that demands caution and respect.

We approach each potential acquisition as a stand alone case. By closely listening to your specific wants and needs, we create a plan to ensure full satisfaction.

Moreover we understand how important it is for you to ensure that the solid reputation and respect your business has earned over the years are maintained. After all, you’ve spent significant time and effort building it. Rest assured, we take this responsibility seriously and strive to honor the integrity of your business.

How does it work?

M&A is a complex and sometimes overwhelming world full of jargon and TLAs. The main thing you need to keep hold of, is that business is all about people.

It’s not about lawyers, advisors and accountants. It’s about people.

You are a person and so am I. Remembering at all times that a win win outcome is the best outcome, because it pleases the most people, will result in a successful transition for all.

As far as I’m concerned that’s all that M&A is: new beginnings, brought about by people seeking win win outcomes for themselves and others.

This is a link to a brilliant book written by a sell side broker detailing all you’ll need to know about selling your business.

Let’s talk about structure

We’re experts in buying profitable owner-managed businesses, using creative methods and diverse second-tier financing to maximise value. Our approach involves an initial payment, followed by deferred payments over 12-60 months.

We understand concerns about your business’s post-sale well-being and have measures to ensure oversight until the last payment is made.

Our funders prefer staggered payments to balance risks and maintain transparency.

We ensure that a substantial amount of the capital you’ve accumulated in your business is returned to you upon completion of the deal. Be wary of any advice to withdraw all cash pre-sale—it’s often flawed.

What Happens Afterwards?

For you: a new beginning! A chance to do all those things you said you were going to. Read the books, cook the food, drink the wine and visit the places.

For the business…

Supported by a team of business improvement experts we will identify a collection of valuable insights and best practices mainly centred around marketing, follow up, sales and team member co-defined excellence.

It’s important to note that the absence of these measures in a business is not a detriment; rather, it’s a testament to the business’s potential. We specifically target profitable businesses, recognising that their success, achieved without such systems, is a strong indicator of their potential for even greater accomplishments once these systems are in place.

However! We’re all about evolution not revolution. It’s likely nothing much will change at all in the first few months.